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Your Personal Day Number

Your personal Month Day Number is calculated by adding your personal month number and the current day. Then reduce the result to a single digit by adding all the numbers together till there is only one digit left.

Now that you have this number, you can see below what your forecast is for the day based on what your Personal Day Number is:


A fresh and initiating mind will animate you during this day despite the possible sullen mood or the discouraging inertia of those around you. Don't let yourself become destabilised. The evening atmosphere will be more difficult.


A positive day where you will be in demand from all angles. This will be the moment to advance, to take the initiative (especially in the morning and evening). People will easily trust you. Favourable circumstances will present themselves to you from 6 PM. If there is an invitation, accept it, it could prove to be enriching.


A zenith moral will accompany you from first thing in your rather favourable day. Providence will be on your side. It's up to you to make the most of it by affirming yourself or advancing your projects. Watch out for opportunities.


A magnificent day where you will be radiant and dynamic. Communicative enthusiasm, human warmth, new ambitions and even euphoria will characterise the climate of this day. It would be a pity not to make the most of it for gaining an advantage, formulating demands or setting up new projects.


You will feel good about yourself today. Your interest will not only be in the material but also the sentimental or relational areas. If you want to gain an advantage with the one elected by your heart, choose the morning or the evening because it is at these times that you will have the most magnetism... On the plan of action, approach and thought processes will be a little impeded in the afternoon, so be careful, it would be better to avoid all new things during this period.


Despite a morning with several scrapes or small quarrel (patience, don't push it), you will have a very positive climate for this day. You will be motivated, audacious and everything will seem to succeed for you until late in the evening. However, this is on the condition that you don't linger on the contrary events of the morning.


A very happy day where you will benefit from excellent vibrations for everything linked with the material and financial. Make the most of it for negotiating, haggling, speculating or investing. These vibrations will also have a positive effect on your relationships and you will be appreciated. On the other hand, the evening is placed under a different climate and it will be your turn to make concessions.


This day has a positive atmosphere. You will feel a lot more confident and mature than usual. You will be respected and listen to more. If you generally hesitate, don't, this will be the moment to leave all that behind you. It is imperative that you make the most of the morning's positive vibrations to express yourself. "Ask and you will receive". The afternoon is a little less favourable (keep your head) but the evening will see harmony again.


An eventful, an action packed day is promised ! New happenings, multiple contacts, plans, relationship tension, with the result that things will escape you a little. The evening will be welcome (relaxation), it is above all a good omen in the affective area. Some agreeable meetings and new friendships will be possible.


A very positive vibration for relationships, which sets the tone for this day. You will feel ready to make the first step (even with people with whom you wouldn't dare beforehand). New meetings (professional or affective) will be possible in this way. They are likely to be quite special and often beneficial. If propositions are made to you, you are advised to simply take note and reflect on them rather than making a decision for the moment. The afternoon will bring emotional instability.


A testing day where you may live extreme situations in relation with the emotions (anger followed by reconciliation). You will meet opposition and inertia, but you will always end up pulling through. However, be careful of slipping and remarks which could injure or disturb your relationships for a time. Moderate your emotions, don't fly off the handle in spite of the vibrations of this day. The evening will be distinctly more peaceful. You will receive complete calm from affection and gentleness.


The vibrations of this day are rather negative. You will be in a bad mood. You will feel alone but in the same time you won't want the presence of others. Even your intuition will be mediocre. So, it is wise to hold back, to avoid delicate or tedious tasks such as discussions, interview or engaging thoughts about your future. You will see more clearly over the next few days. For the moment occupy yourself with your health and try to take a back seat. This will help you to find a little smile.


A strong inspiration will accompany you today. You will have a lively mind and a great lucidity with the result that you can seize opportunities, especially in the afternoon. Your fervour, your good rhythm and your intuition will be precious assets which will help you to overcome all possible obstacles. You are advised to act in an honest, unselfish way to avoid a reverse of fortune at the end of the day, because the evening is a lot more delicate (prudence necessary). The most favourable time for the affective or relational aspects is the morning.


A difficult morning. You will feel isolated and confronted with hitches. The afternoon great change. The vibrations will be favourable with the result that practically everything you touch will be positive. Even time will work in your favour, so don't get carried away, be patient. Only the affective aspect will not be under the charm during the day (but it will be excellent in the evening).


An interesting day for relationships. You will have influence. The day will be favourable for developing new projects, envisaging new associations or establishing contacts. Good ideas will surge in the afternoon. They can come in an indirect way thanks to your collaborators (for example). The evening atmosphere will favour putting your affairs and ideas in order. You will have the possibility to re-find yourself. An activity which is necessary for avoiding dispersion, stress and sometimes illusions.


Today you will benefit from a double positive vibration. Not only will you have good, efficient, intelligent ideas, but also your radiance and your influence will be particularly active. So make the most of it ! Give advice, gain an advantage, achieve. The afternoon and evening climates will be equally favourable for affective relationships, feelings and pleasure.


A delicate morning in view ! You will have choices to make, and you will have to act with discernment and efficiency. No question of sneaking off or postponing everything. Look at the problems, this will help you to act with lucidity. The afternoon will be different and very favourable for friendships, approach, thought processes and diplomacy. If your mind is at rest after having taken the appropriate decisions this morning, you will have a successful afternoon. During the evening your interest will go in the direction of the good moments of life and even adventure.


A difficult day where the general atmosphere will be inert. You could also suffer a lack of consideration for you from others. However, you must keep confidence in yourself and not doubt just because others lack enthusiasm. It will be up to you alone to judge if your ideas as well founded. Don't allow yourself to be influenced or discouraged. Avoid implicating yourself emotionally and keep a certain reserve. If you know how to keep your good mood and your smile faced with unfavourable circumstances or unexpected obligations it can only reinforce your image.


A lot of creativity an ingenuity on your part but not many positive reactions (or rather slow) from others. Above all don't let yourself be demoralised or irritated. Don't try to force things. Concentrate on your source of creativity and others will end up listening to you and following. A harmonious and pleasant evening.


An excellent day in view. You will be in a good mood, have original ideas and easily make others understand you. Even initiatives which are a bit extravagant will be accepted. Don't hesitate to make the most of such an advantage. New friendships will be possible. Only the evening will be a tone lower.


The morning will have a positive atmosphere. Certainly a lot of inspiration, ideas, a new strategy and initiatives. However, the afternoon will have quite a heavy atmosphere for your love life. Watch out for melancholy or images that you could get in your head ! This is absolutely useless. The evening will be positive for new things and you will probably forget the previous bad moments. Possible evening out and good mood, but don't overdo it !


A morning placed in a climate of annoyance, dissatisfaction and even discouragement. Be prudent, avoid trips or actions presenting risks. From lunchtime, positive vibrations will make the rest of the day more attractive. Don't waste them by lingering on the mornings problems. You will notice sympathy and attention come in your direction. Make the most of these good aspects and this quite unusual recognition to gain an advantage, to appeal for support and to give your projects and image value.


Your imagination and your sense of communication will be very witty today. This will help you to persuade others. You will be brilliant in this area. You will feel that it is easier to bring others round to your point of view, to attract them, rather than demanding or trying to force their choices, seduced by the enthusiasm and the confidence that you put in your suggestions. There is a possible invitation for the evening, but don't get too carried away, contacts will stay superficial.


A climate of dispersion, superficiality and instability will mark this day. You will be carried along by superficial situations or relationships (society small talk) with their hypocrisy, bad advice, etc. Nothing concrete or lasting will come from this day if you don't take preventative measures. Make sure you are organised and respect a strict timetable (not to loose time), and the evening will be a little better. The only positive vibration here concerns your creativity, so don't waste it by scattering yourself.


The afternoon will be a little vague and delicate when it comes to making advancements but the overall the day will be positive. Cheerfulness and vivacity will accompany you from the moment you wake up. At the end of the afternoon you will have quite an exceptional energy and imagination which will make you radiate and show your talent. Try to manage your time well to take advantage of this vibration that will be repeated during this month.


Do you know how to make the most of these exceptional vibrations for conquering and succeeding ? Know that you will be lucky today. Put your conviction in all your undertakings and you won't be disappointed. Financial and relational perspectives are also good today. The day will end with a very favourable evening for invitations, enriching discussions, reflection and friendship.


The vibrations of the start of the morning will give a confused and vague atmosphere. Don't try to unravel it for the moment. Stay calm, don't disperse yourself uselessly, do just what is necessary. The turbulence will cease towards midday. This will allow you to face the numerous obligations that wait for you this afternoon. Even if everything is difficult, stay calm and show a sense of conciliation or goodwill, because it will help you to adapt and finally overcome all the problems.


Very strong vibrations will push you towards perfectionism and the desire to multiply your contacts in order to improve your image. These two strategies cannot always be reconciled, that is why you will have a lot to do today. In order to finish the day well, opt for a relaxing evening where you can let go of your professional responsibilities.


A pleasant day, rich in nice surprises. You will approach your activities in a conscientious way. You will have lucky initiative or a new manner of organising yourself. This will be a constructive cycle. During the afternoon you will have to face unexpected events which will be positive if you know how to approach them correctly. Unplanned things or new obligations will be a part of the end of the day and it is worth taking them with a smile and willingness.


Without a doubt this day is difficult. The vibrations will be contrary and will limit you in your approaches and initiatives. With such a climate, it would be better to take a back seat and abstain from doing too much. Content yourself with simple things. You will be tempted by promising appearances but be aware that the vibration of this day interferes with success. Choose leisure activities, simple happiness and forget these troubles.


A very delicate day. The vibrations are such that all will stagnate, events as well as undertakings. Nothing will succeed. With such an atmosphere it would be better to think twice before getting involved in something important, because you will lack the means and you won't be able to keep your engagements. The evening will have a monotonous and studious atmosphere, so it would be wise to devote yourself calmly to putting things in order and to your obligations (of all types).


You will be animated with a great determination and you will want to show off your moral qualities and your know-how. Only two time periods will make this day difficult : Towards midday and the end of the afternoon. You will be lead to change your plans then, so it would be a good idea to do the important things in the morning. Despite your determination, circumstances are not good for long term investments today. The day will end up well with a more pleasant atmosphere.


A day placed under the sign of energy and independence. These vibrations will raise your assurance and that will positively influence those around you. You will radiate and take things in hand. Your practical sense will be present all day and if you don't neglect any details success can be expected. Some frictions are possible in the afternoon, but don't care. Concentrate on moving forward. After a powerful and active day, you will naturally want an affective evening. It's up to you to get together with those you love. The passing from one cycle to another could perhaps be accompanied by a falling of tension and a brusque (but momentary) rise in your emotions.


The vibration of this day will incite you to take every detail into consideration. You will quickly realise that forgetfulness and negligence will bring problems. You will understand that even the obvious things don't resolve themselves. It is necessary to be orderly and conscientious. The morning will be negative for all attempts at co-operation with others. Expect nothing from others this morning, you will only be disappointed. Fortunately, the afternoon is placed in a more constructive cycle. This will be a good time for making undertakings with respect to your future. During the evening the cycle will be negative for relationships and material things. All that you undertake has a strong risk of going badly. It would be better to stay in retreat this evening.


The vibrations today will be favourable for organisation, order and basic work. Concentrate on simple tasks all day and watch out that you don't divert because an additional vibration will make you emotionally unstable. If you don't take care, you could let yourself to be constantly carried along to change your opinion or your place. This affective instability could also lead you to be admiring or to criticise too easily. Deception is assured, so watch out ! In the evening, the cycle will be favourable to your well-being, spiritually and physically. Relax, do some sport or meditate.


From the morning, you will enter into a cycle where your sensitivity will be aggravated. This can be positive or negative according to your character. You could be tempted to let yourself go, to ignore your obligations and get sucked into a spiral of mood swings. If you are very creative, this state could help you a lot. Although the best way to succeed with this day is to make concessions, efforts and put yourself forward. Don't give up your mood changes. Stay positive and straightforward. Don't be stopped by the first snag or misunderstanding. Avoid investing money or spending today because you are too emotional.


A double tinted day because you will constantly hesitate between prudence and the desire to rush ahead, to innovate or to go towards the unknown. It seems wiser to be prudent during the morning and to avoid uncertainties. On the other hand, the afternoon with be favourable for audacity. Good ideas will come by themselves and the new and unusual will attract you. Be daring ! You will be enthusiastic until late in the evening, you will want to meet people and move. Your sensuality will also be awake. Use this favourable cycle if you want but always keep your good sense !


The vibrations of this day will favour a certain emotional fragility and even a tendency for illusions. Take precautions. Not all meetings will be advantageous. Watch out for obstacles. They can teach you something but also create an inner storm according to your attitude towards them. This aspect will stop around midday to leave the place for a very positive cycle with respect to your activities. You will be very creative. Friends will give you good advice. You will have good opportunities. Your vivacious mind will be a supplementary asset for achievements and the day will definitely be fruitful (and favourable for communication).


Considering the vibrations of this day, the best strategy would be to take on several different activities. The good atmosphere will stimulate you and if you like activity, vivacity or combativeness, you will get it. Success will be on your side in the morning but towards midday it will be necessary to struggle. The end of the day will be marked by a new vibration inciting a philosophical and dispassionate view of things in opposition to this dynamic and certainly enriching cycle that you have lived this morning. You will want to centre yourself and reflect more. Do it !


A day marked by the call for freedom. You will feel carefree, audacious, as if you were protected. You will want to live to 100% (prudence all the same). Your aspirations will be for wide open spaces, travelling, freedom and new things. Etiquette and social pressure won't concern you as much. The morning will be favourable for business and travelling, but in the afternoon it would be better to refrain a little from this hunger for freedom, because obligations (affective or family it seems) will progressively surge as you near the end of the evening. This day could prove interesting for your future if you don't hesitate to go in front of others.


The atmosphere of this day is new. It will be rich in changes and surprises. Your particularly lively mind today will allow you to adapt quickly to all situations. You will find solutions to problems that have been hanging around for several days. All will evolve very quickly in the morning. If you have steps to take, approach or interview to do, take them because everything is still very beneficial. In the afternoon, everything will not always end up positive and you will find it difficult to concentrate and stabilise yourself. This agitation will stop around 6 PM and a positive, dynamic cycle will take it's place, so take advantage of it. You will be brimming with vitality, be enthusiastic, have influence over others as well as charm. So you will have a passionate evening. The ideal would be to break up this day with a bit of sport in order to prepare yourself for the evening.


After the very good vibrations of this morning will come a contrary afternoon. This morning will be one of the best for tying contracts, convincing, conquering, seducing and engaging your future (especially professional). In the afternoon you risk seeing the change of vibration meeting quite a few annoyances and hitches as far as relationships and request are concerned. Certain stifling situations will become more acute and you won't be able to disentangle yourself from them yet. From midday to 6 PM it would be better to occupy yourself with minor tasks. Be careful if you opt for other activities. The calmer evening will allow you to prepare to resolve current problems and coming obligations.


An extremely favourable atmosphere will mark your day. You will have an enthusiasm and success such that nobody and nothing will seem able to resist you. All of your actions will be fruitful. Things will roll with a disconcerting ease. All areas will be impregnated with this magic, particularly friendship and sentimental. New contacts will be favoured, you will have the desire to please and to charm, particularly during the second part of the day.


The morning risks not going as smoothly as you expected. Don't be disappointed because everything will turn out right in the afternoon, with some unexpected things (with the condition that you have a supple mind to accept certain concessions). The notions of freedom and great possibilities will impregnate your mind. Make the most of this positive cycle for communication, undertakings, negotiating and requests for support. You will approach the evening with a desire for luxury, well-being. Probably a good atmosphere and the possibility of meeting new people (if evening out).


Today you will benefit from a new enthusiasm which will enlarge your world if you know how to make the most of it. As soon as you feel this current, seize the occasion to move things forward, take decisions, assert yourself and flaunt your serenity (especially in the afternoon). This will be a period where despite everything, you will have to prove your ability, ingenuity and perseverance. The circumstances will be quite demanding but can drive you towards a beneficial renewal and a positive evolution. To approach the evening in the best possible way and avoid probable relationship tensions or possible strong decompressions after this arduous day, take the time to do a little sport in order to liberate the accumulated tension. In this way you will have a relaxed evening.


The day will start with an atmosphere of limitations. Some big obstacles will get in your way and rather than tiring yourself out by trying to overcome them, it would be better to show patience and prudence. From midday you will penetrate a new cycle where all will go well until about 6 PM. Why not profit by moving things forward and gaining an advantage over your interlocutors which is possible thanks to your serenity and assurance. In the evening, you can relax and make the most of this very favourable cycle with regards to the affective area.


A very dynamic day opens itself to you. You will be very awakened and the morning will be rather good for your projects. Unfortunately, this energy risks being transformed to tension and agitation in the afternoon. If you don't take precautions, you will find it difficult to organise yourself or to work correctly especially with the responsibilities and obligations (more than usual). The evening will be orientated to affection, love and the family. A really nice cycle from which you will continue to feel the effects over the next few days.


A delicate day ! You will feel in demand, your sensitivity and willingness will be played on, used by others. Think twice before making promises or taking on new responsibilities because it is certain that you will accept them too easily. Also the vibrations of this day are not favourable for getting mixed up in the peoples affairs, so be careful ! It would be better not to accept or ask for thinking time so that you can see things more clearly. In fact, this is not a good day for important business, especially in the afternoon when you will lack lucidity. The evening will start with the impression of overwork, so the best thing would be to relax, to think about yourself before going to bed (quite early).


The vibrations of this day will make you amorous, or in all cases sensitive to affection and charm. The working world and it's materialistic constraints will seem anachronistic to you even if you don't lose your good sense. Strangely you will want to express your feelings but you won't find it easy to do so. You will have difficulties to communicate and to share your sentimental desires, especially in the afternoon when you mustn't make commitments, talk too much or try to force things. Otherwise, errors are a strong possibility in work as well as heart matters. Act in the morning or the evening but don't push things in case of difficulties. If there are no snags of this type, this day will be one of happiness and you will feel the effects for several days.


This morning, you could benefit in a providential way for your heart matters. Communication and loving sharing will be perfect. This is the moment to gain advantages, to act intelligently and sincerely before these favourable vibrations soften and the situation becomes confused. The afternoon will be less idyllic for the affective and it would be a good idea not to talk too much. Be content with a minimum and some smiles because slips are possible. On the other hand the cycle is very favourable to the professional side of things. Your ideas will be clearer. In consequence, use the afternoon to organise and realise your thoughts, initiatives, analyses, investments or profits.


The morning will be favourable to friendship, discussion, company and artistic activities. People will be attracted by you. This period can be fruitful and will help you in an interesting way with your activities. The atmosphere changes in the afternoon and will stimulate you more to regulate administrative tasks with efficiency, even if this doesn't really enchant you. On your way you risk approaching the evening badly and you will be a bit intolerant or demanding with those around you. You won't accept certain attitudes from your partner very well for example. Possible conflict. Also be careful of the unexpected and your lack of ability to adapt.


It is advised to make the most of this very favourable morning for your professional activities. Everything will smile at you. If you need support to achieve your projects, don't hesitate to ask the influent people. Their reaction will certainly be positive. The afternoon and evening vibrations will influence your mood a little. You will be less concentrated on work and more interested in the affective. If you already have someone, you will have moments of happiness. Otherwise it is in your interest to accept invitations or evening out.


A difficult day which can finish in a convivial atmosphere if you arrange things well. Today, you will probably meet numerous obstacles and difficulties of communication. Be patient and diplomatic. Establish a good dialogue allowing everyone to express their desires in order to avoid tensions and misunderstandings. You may have new responsibilities or obligations to assume. Above all don't let yourself get upset. Act with determination and efficiency. If all goes well, you will approach the evening with serenity and you can dedicate yourself to close ones or friends in a good and authentic atmosphere.


An exhausting morning, followed by a pleasant and harmonious afternoon. The first part of the day will be very charged. You will be very much in demand. Responsibilities, stress and dispersion. Also people will no longer have respect or consideration for you and you will feel a little ill-treated or exploited. Watch out for stress and appearances in the morning. Hold yourself back a little and observe. In the afternoon this agitated atmosphere will stop to make way for something more pleasant and enriching. Your affairs and your initiatives will be favoured, your relationships will be friendly and you will at last have time for yourself. If you have any relationship problems to sort out make the most of this cycle because it is favourable for reconciliation's.


A charged day where you will be worried about financial or administrative problems. The cycle will be unfavourable to speculation and new affairs, especially in the morning. Administrative tasks will mobilise you for a good part of the day. It is only during the evening, after having sorted things out, that you will feel better, with perhaps a regained energy to continue with... planning and organising !


An ideal day for introspection, reflection, intuition and research. If your activities concern the intellectual, scientific or spiritual areas, you will be fulfilled. Your inspiration will be quite powerful and enable you to discover inner treasures or answers to questions. Allow yourself to observe, meditate or analyse. You will obtain results. All other tasks (material, affective, commercial or financial) will be in a really negative cycle. Be prudent, and if possible abstain from getting involved in these areas.


A day rich in the unexpected. You must improvise and not make too rigid plans so that you can make the changes that will be necessary. Stay serene, don't try to refuse this evolution of things or you could run into problems. Use it to your advantage. The afternoon risks being quite hard concerning the material or financial. Stay impassive and don't become discouraged. Obviously it would be better to avoid investing money or buying, in these conditions because you would regret it ! If you make the right manoeuvres and stay calm, you will be rewarded with a pleasant evening made for company and tenderness.


The vibrations of this day favour the search for truth and indirectly happiness. You will be attracted by reflection, analysis and listening. The morning will be rather favourable for sharing ideas, discussions and intense relationships. The afternoon and the evening need rather isolation and tranquillity. Everything that is superficial or noisy will make you run away. Finally, the day will be a success and very beneficial for your inner balance if you know how to stay away from everyday agitation and it's possible annoyances.


The day is going to start well ! Your magnetism will wake up and allow you to profit in the relational and creative areas to gain advantages. The afternoon will be a little strained and your routine disturbed. All will calm down at about 6 PM and the evening will be peaceful but instructive, with discussions and exchanging ideas which will enlighten you, perhaps so as to renew your image and strategy for the future.


The vibrations of this day will make you a bit bizarre and possibly irritated. A certain impatience or animosity will mark your actions and gestures. Perhaps this will be related to the difficulties that you are going to meet to find respect in your professional activities or in succeeding with your tasks. Today, it would be better to avoid delicate tasks. relationship conflicts, risks of all sorts (for example investing money, buying or selling). Try to do things on a small scale or even better abstain. If you succeed staying in the background, being calm and getting on with your work, you will have a peaceful evening where you can find harmony again. If not, it is probable that the day's incidents will multiply. It would be a good idea to do something that makes you feel good in the morning (sport, intellectual, manual).


Intuition and analysis will be honoured today. If you pose questions about life, your strategy, you will certainly find answers. Your clairvoyance and capable mind will perform and help you to construct good things. This day will be very favourable to your growth. If intuition and inspiration are already some of your qualities, this will be a marvellous day for you. However, you must avoid getting too involved in outside actions or activities. Let things come to you rather that you going to them. Also watch out for financial transactions, they are not in a good cycle.


A delicate day where action is not recommended. Don't try to provoke events. Let things come to you. If you know how to be patient and confident, you will be surprised with the benefits that Providence will give you. If you force things on the other hand or hod resentment, it is probable that things will go badly. If you cannot reduce your activities, try at least to keep your distance and survey your path. The evening will be favourable for discussions and the resolution of problems (other peoples) thanks to your knowledge.


Certain vibrations will make you melancholy this morning. You will be a bit psychologically saturated. Everything will slow down. Your vision of things will be negative. Rather than sinking in this pessimism, keep serene and be delighted because the afternoon will bring a new glow which will erase the memory of the morning. You will want open space, freedom, adventure, sensations and even affection. If you know how to moderate your sudden passion a little, this period will go well and keep it's positive dynamism. Your receptivity, creativity and sense of contact will be on the front line. This will perhaps drive you towards enriching meetings or interesting realisations. Don't try to force things because the atmosphere isn't ready.


A hyper active day opens itself to you. From the morning you will be motivated by efficiency. You will want to sort out your affairs. Your motto will be something like 'straight to the goal with no side tracks", which promises discussions or initiatives a bit peremptory. In the afternoon, this energy will soften and all will appear vague, unstable and uncertain. You must be prudent and keep your distance in order to see more clearly. It would be better to organise yourself so as not to have any important decisions to make this afternoon. Avoid engagement, especially financial, until the evening when the cycle will become positive again for business.


A delicate and tiring day. You program strongly risks becoming disturbed by some unexpected events. You will find yourself in strained situations with uncooperative people. It would be better to avoid taking risks, moving around, travelling or asking for support this afternoon. Concentrate only on your work, orderliness, the office, organisation or reflection in order to resolve current problems. It is useless to throw yourself into new projects for the moment. If you get over the hurdles, you will have a rather pleasant evening in excellent company.


If you are working to build a big project, the vibrations of this morning will give you an important and perhaps decisive momentum. Try to make the most of it to raise the number of your supports and reinforce yourself. The afternoon will be less easy and you could come across restricting or embarrassing aspects. Appearances will be quite deceptive so it would be a good idea not to engage in new things, sign contracts or take risks. Show a minimum of prudence in only occupying yourself with what you already know. In this way all will go well !


An excellent day for those whose activities concern artistic or creative sectors. A day which favours harmony, success and recognition. Your assets will be a very fertile imagination (morning and evening) as well as an undeniable brilliance which brings you influence over others. If you know how to keep your tact and flexibility you will certainly convince all the people around you. However, use these abilities of communication honestly and avoid becoming too harsh or intolerant because the charm would vanish. To make the most of these good aspects avoid dispersion and going too slowly (daydreaming, stroll). Concentrate on one important activity with flexibility and determination, and you will be surprised with the positive results. Only the afternoon will be a little delicate due to the rapidity of events.


With such vibrations it would be a good idea to be on guard. Appearances will be deceptive. Don't put people on a pedestal this morning. The afternoon cycle will be happier. You will benefit from favourable conditions to improve your affairs and finances. This positive cycle will continue into the evening with regard to the affective and relational aspects. A good end to the day !


A very favourable morning for investments or buying. If you have such intentions, they will work out well. In the afternoon things will be rather bad. The atmosphere will be unstable. Avoid haste completely. Don't get involved in other people's affairs, occupy yourself with your own quality of life. The evening atmosphere risks getting heavier and tensions are possible. Opt for escape, sport, the open air, and let the storm pass.


This morning you will have extraordinary punch. You won't have any time to lose and you will be tempted to take unusual or daring initiatives. Master of yourself, you will have the tendency to denounce injustices and speak your mind. It is a good time to undertake tasks, invest or make decisions. From midday it would be wise not to take important decisions. Better concentrate on your defence. In effect, you risk meeting frustrations, annoyances that you will only overcome after numerous efforts at the end of the afternoon. The evening will be positive again.


Conditions today will be particularly hard and demanding. Nonchalance, passivity, a lowering of vigilance and a lack of consistence will quickly be sanctioned. You must be on the look out to show your precision as well as your courage, combativeness and intelligence. The results of this day will equal your efforts, your desire to master events and your capacity not to lose sight of things which are important to you. The morning will be a source of hitches and having to start again while the afternoon, more favourable, will help you move your affairs forward. In the evening, the atmosphere will be a little electric.


A black day in view. The atmosphere will be electric and strained. Avoid implicating yourself, whether in discussion, interview or tasks. Watch out for conflicting interests or points of view. Be diplomatic, polite and if you can, stay away from annoyances by concentrating on an activity which brings you something, orderliness or sport for example. When the evening arrives, you will then have a good mental disposition to make the most of this beneficial cycle for studying, reflection, art, reading or the spiritual.


This is the day of "cleaning". You will be pushed to clean up your situation, particularly where relationships are concerned (private or professional). You can make the most of these vibrations to modify a forced relationship which you have been unhappy with for some time. If you know how to be flexible and available, unexpected solutions will come, to your great relief. You could also meet new people and have success. Stranger are often friends that we don't know yet ! This energy will continue until the evening when you will be motivated by arranging things and tidying up lose ends.


A delicate day with regard to the material and affective. Tensions and conflicts are feared in the morning. Negotiations, conversations or requests for support will not be welcome during this period. Although this cycle persists after lunch, a new vibration will be added to it favouring creators, inventors and artists. This powerful inspiration will be maintained until the end of the evening and you will be pushed to run away from noise and the agitation of the world in order to find yourself again, re-center yourself, create and understand.


The day won't start very well for all that is material. It would be better not to invest money (or take important decision). This day will be equally difficult in the affective area. Tensions, conflict, clarification and rupture are possible. But be reassured that it will end up positively, especially in the evening thanks to the intervention of a kind and diplomatic person who will contribute to a reconciliation or clear up the misunderstanding. Seize this helping hand ! Furthermore, creativity and sensitivity will be good today.


This is the ideal day to conclude family or administrative affairs. If you can release yourself from burdensome obligations, you will have a mind free for thinking about new projects which will certainly succeed in the future. In the evening, you will want to escape, to change horizons and share your enthusiasm with those you love. This day will be positive for material affairs as long as you don't buy or invest !


The vibrations of this morning cycle favour all that concerns business, travelling and visiting with a view to tie up current affairs. Make the most of your dynamism during the morning. Take advantage of your vivacious mind, your ability for communication in the afternoon. In effect, this period won't be very favourable to travelling but will suit meetings better (discussions and requests for support). You will be convincing during this period and you will get very satisfying results. Organise yourself with a view to this. Financial transactions and speculations should be avoided today.


The atmosphere of this day will be rather bad. Neither the spiritual or the material will be good until about 6 PM. It would be desirable to take a back seat as much as possible, to avoid getting involved and giving your opinion. Don't take any risks, avoid having to make important decisions. If you avoid the traps and preserved your credibility, you will approach the evening in very good conditions and you will know the joys of friendship and authenticity.


You are going to be in a very delicate cycle today. The ground will be undermined, propositions doubtful and promises not kept. Affective engagements in particular but also other things, will only lead to insatisfaction. You also risk meeting coldness and even a harmful will. Keep yourself away from all that and concentrate on activities of reflection, meditation or reading. Otherwise try to be more subtle than these obstacles. The evening will bring less unpleasant vibrations but the affective area will remain a little fragile.


A relatively testing day, sprinkled with struggles and efforts. Fortunately providential support will help you to finally resolve this confusion. So you will approach the evening in a very good state of mind. Brilliant and satisfied, you will feel particularly good about yourself. The evening will be rich with friendships, people will be unconsciously attracted by your well-being, which will give you great pleasure.


Watch out, this vibration is very strong ! It can be beneficial and marvellous for willing, generous and inspired people, all those who do a little for the good of the world and it's evolution. Their tasks will have unhoped success today. This vibration being at the end of the cycle, can also be that of outcome, giving account, collapse, deceptions and ordeal for all those who are too materialistic, uncooperative, hierarchical and who build their world regardless of universal laws. To succeed with this delicate day as well as possible, it is advised to prepare yourself several days in advance, by changing (if necessary) your strategy in order to become in harmony with this vibration. You must be able to approach a relationship without egoism or the desire to dominate and without comparing yourself to others. You must be capable of finding the good side in people, giving sincere compliments, opening your mind, being tolerant and above all generous, nice, available and respective of life. All this with the greatest naturalness !