& Your Address Number
The name of the road and the
number at which you live possess characteristics which will
very often influence your life during the period that you
live there. Numerology serves as a means to understand these
influences. Your experiences are often analogous to the
numerological value of your place of residence. This applies
equally to your place of work, an area where it is better to
have good fortune on your side. In particular, it is advised
not to chose the number 16.
However, choosing a home and
place of work is perhaps managed unconsciously, according to
you or a member of your family's current needs (a form of
karma). In practice, the influence of the number of the
residence is much more important than the name of the road.
The calculations must not include standard names such as : Avenue,
Road, Street etc. The study of
Secondary Numbers (for
example 40/4) sometimes bring interesting details. For
example the former French President François Mitterrand
lived over 25 years at the "22, rue de Bièvre". One could
not imagine a better house number for his political career.
The impact of the residence vibration is not of course
absolute, but it is sufficient to be taken seriously. Don't
neglect your address number, it could change your life !
#1/N House number. You are living in a house whose
numerological equivalent is 1. This is a residence suitable
for people who have the characteristics of vibration number
1 : Independence, creativity, originality, ambition,
dynamism but sometimes too a certain loneliness, pride,
authoritarianism and egoism. If you haven't had such a
psychological profile until now, it is possible that these
character traits will develop a little during the period in
which you live in such a house. It is also possible that
some of your experiences will be related to the number 1
vibration during this period.
#1/Road number. You
are living in a road whose numerological equivalent is 1.
This road number gives it's inhabitants the impulse to be
original. The residents will have a tendency to keep
themselves to themselves and not really communicate with the
other residents, they all want to do their own thing. In
it's negative form, this vibration can incite people into
being dominating, controlling and imposing a form of
hierarchy with the intention of strengthening one's own ego.
If you search for a road which is more calm, opt for the
number 2, 6, or 7 vibrations
#2/N House Number.
You are living in a house whose numerological equivalent is
2. This house is synonymous with peacefulness. The number 2
vibration is going to attract sensitive and diplomatic
people who want an easy life. The people that live in this
house maintain a good relationship with others. They
generally show evidence of being courteous and kind
(sometimes too much so) to their friends and neighbors. They
will be co-operative, calm, soft, and sometimes a little bit
dreamy. This house is favorable in association with work,
partnerships and family life. The possible negative points
would result from geophysical disturbances (i.e. sources
causing negative magnetism) or from individuals who can't or
don't want to harmonize with their residential vibration.
People having the following character traits particularly
evident will not appreciate living in such a house :
impatience, arrogance, aggressiveness or a desire to
interfere when interference is not wanted.
Number You are living in a road whose numerological
equivalent is 2. This road number generally attracts a form
of tranquility, everyone being happy to live where they do.
Neighbor relations will be based on courtesy and
co-operation. The possible negative points are caused by
geophysical disturbances (i.e. sources causing negative
magnetism) or by the people who have no desire to become
harmonious with the number 2 vibration. These people are in
this case often arrogant, envious or impatient and don't
want to change.
#3/N House Number. You are living
in a house whose numerological equivalent is 3. This is the
house of happiness, joy and living. It favors the faculties
of expression (oral, written, gestural etc.) and creativity.
Ideal for authors, actors, artists and all those people who
base their activity on expression. If your inclinations are
not in such a direction when you arrive, this house will
allow them to develop. This vibration is equally favorable
when it comes to leisure, the getting together of family and
friends, socializing and even superficiality and useless
chatter. There is a danger that the occupants of house
number 3 will spend more time than necessary on pleasure
activities, neglecting work a little and also the upkeep of
the house.
#3/Road Number. You are living in a
road whose numerological equivalent is 3. This vibration
favors the joy of living, socializing and all forms of
expression. The residents are usually quite communicative,
chatty, indeed a little noisy (in leisure and friendly
reunions). Negatively, vibration 3 (house or road) can
encourage people to want to be the center of attention, to
make themselves noticeable and to be a bit conceited.
#4/N House Number You are living in a house whose
numerological equivalent is 4. Such a house attracts
practical people, rigorous and very attached to their
family. The number 4 house encourages work, order and
discipline. Honest people live here. Thrifty, hard working,
conventional and down to earth persons will feel at ease.
This is a house to potter about in or work in complete
peace. The people here will be appreciated by the neighbors.
On the other hand people associated with an unrepentant
chatter, no sense of organization and who find routine to be
horrifying will be unhappy with the constraints here. They
will end up moving. This house also carries some material
limitations and there is also a formal atmosphere which is
not always good for the romantic side of life. It is more
suitable for professional activities, thus for those who
work a lot (in general, a slow but regular progression).
#4/Road Number. You are living in a road whose
numerological equivalent is 4. This is a favorable vibration
for practical people , rigorous and attached to their
family. Everything that takes place here is in general
honest, organized and orderly. The residents will often be
handy with D.I.Y. jobs and they will be appreciated by their
neighbors. There is a slow evolution with vibration number 4
and often obstacles get in the way.
#5/N House Number
You are living in a house whose numerological equivalent is
5. This house attracts versatile residents who like to move
around, new things and travelling. These people are not very
domestic, because they are often not at home. They are
active, curious, like adventure and disorientation. They
must show a sense of being able to adapt to really suit this
house, for example : a salesperson, journalist, sportsmen,
politician.... The negative aspects here are impatience,
instability, a taste for seduction and wasted energy due to
bad management.
#5/Road Number. You are living in
a road whose numerological equivalent is 5. This residence
attracts people who like to feel free, to move and to
travel. Domestic activity is rather lacking, because the
occupants have got better things to do. These people are
active, curious, charming and they like adventure, sport and
change. They are very capable of adapting to a new situation
but they have the tendency to encroach upon others.
#6/N House Number You are living in a house whose
numerological equivalent is 6. The number 6 house attracts
family people and in general, intimacy and harmony.
Responsibilities and domestic affairs are important here.
Seen positively the number 6 vibration carries love,
friendship, comfort and money to the inhabitants. It will be
necessary to decorate this house well encouraging it's warm
atmosphere. Visitors will feel welcome. Favorable towards
artistic, medical, advise giving and aesthetic activities. A
number 6 house can equally attract those who have a tendency
to neglect themselves by insisting to take on too many
responsibilities and by spending too much time helping
#6/Road Number. You are living in a road
whose numerological equivalent is 6. The inhabitants of this
road are generally warm, sensitive and harmonious.
Aestheticism and comfort also reside in this road. The
people here know how to deal with their own
responsibilities. It is a quiet road and the residents are
friendly. There is a little tendency to interfere into other
peoples problems, which darkens this otherwise sparkling
#7/N House Number You are living in a house
whose numerological equivalent is 7. This is a calm place,
good for an analytical mind and a retirement from the social
scene (time for a rest). The number 7 house attracts those
who are looking for a certain form of solitude : in
retirement, a holiday, convalescence or to aid spiritual or
scientific study. It is a house for authors, thinkers, the
religious. Living in this house will inspire the meditative
and reflective side in you. A resident of this house not
knowing how to rest quietly or devote time to spiritual
activities is quite likely to drift into a gloomy state,
with dark ideas, fixations and an unhealthy curiosity. One
could hardly call it a favorable place for frivolities or
amusements. The house will reduce the romantic aspects in
the life of a couple, it will rather encourage an
intellectual friendship. If this doesn't sound like your cup
of tea, then opt for the House Number 2, 3, or 6. On the
professional side, the number 7 favors accountants,
scientists, intellectuals, publishers, any profession
involving law and basically those who work alone. It is not
a great number for business people.
#7/Road Number.
You are living in a road whose numerological equivalent is
7. The inhabitants of this road have are generally calm and
discreet. It is a good road for thinkers and authors. It is
equally favorable to have a holiday or rest home in this
road. The people who can't live within the positive aspects
of this vibration will end up unhappy here.
House Number You are living in a house whose
numerological equivalent is 8. This house often attracts
success. It has a vibration which carries a power that will
become evident in affairs, ambitions, social recognition,
sport, physical energy or courage. Ideal for business
people, organizers and celebrities. Provided that one knows
how to live according to the positive aspects of this strong
vibration, this residence will highlight good judgment,
efficiency and allow one to get to the top again after a
setback. The lesson of this number 8 vibration is to master
command and power and to learn a balance between the
spiritual, material and emotions. This house number will
bring ups and downs to those who are too materialistic, in
order to teach that materialistic ideas must have a good
mind to lean on (sane principle). This vibration can test
your equilibrium and tempt you into being proud, greedy, a
seeker of power, harsh or passionate. If you want balance in
your life, you must show a certain amount of generosity and
try to avoid being arrogant. The Chinese hold this number in
great esteem, particularly when opening a new business.
#8/Road Number. You are living in a road whose
numerological equivalent is 8. This vibration often brings
to the foreground the notion of material success, money,
business but also the search for power. This is a road whose
inhabitants should know success. Seen negatively, this
vibration can lead certain inhabitants to try to impress
others due to pride, to get into a fight due to the desire
for power, to try to prove one's strength and this can
result in a number of problems.
#9/N House Number
You are living in a house whose numerological equivalent is
9. The number 9 house often attracts people who are
altruistic and sensitive. It is a welcoming house, where one
can receive a lot of visitors. The occupants are ready to
help and serve others when necessary. This vibration is
universal rather than personal, favorable to those who are
artistic and those who like to have a lot of people around
them. Professional activities will only be aided here if
they are accompanied by high aspirations or altruism when it
comes to financial matters. To be successful, it is
essential to like your job and at the same time be concerned
with the quality of life of society, thus thinking about
others and what is best for them. It is not always easy to
get the balance right and advantage takers can be drawn
towards you. If the residents here are unable to experience
the subtlety of this vibration, they will be either far too
kind or far too egoistic and as a result there will be
various times of disappointment, with dreams or losses. This
house is favorable for artists, idealists, creators,
humanists, teachers, lecturers and doctors. Not always good
for couples.
#9/Road Number. You are living in a
road whose numerological equivalent is 9. This road often
attracts altruistic types, who like to receive visitors and
have a general interest in the rest of the world. It is
suitable for creative and compassionate people. If the
inhabitants are not in harmony with this vibration, the
result can be losses, illnesses or disappointments.
#11/N House Number You are living in a house whose
numerological equivalent is 11. This is a very intense
vibration, a sort of master number. Life here could prove to
be difficult for very materialistic people and intellectuals
(tension and nervousness). The difficulties that can be
presented to these people can serve by opening up their
consciousness. This is a favorable house to those who are
spiritually inclined or to those who listen to their
intuition, equally to instinctual people (actors,
photographers, creators, searchers), thus those with natural
#13/N House Number You are living in a
house whose numerological equivalent is 13/4. This vibration
is synonymous with transformation, strength and
regeneration. It stimulates creativity, the passions and
sometimes sexuality, but can also present trials, questions
and material losses. It is therefore not an easy place to
live. It will lead you towards a personality change and
growth. The vibrations are quite powerful when it comes to
increasing your magnetism. The 13 can also drive people
towards maliciousness or attracts those at ease with
negative. Attention is required against becoming morbid.
This number brings upheavals for those who refuse to evolve.
Also consult the secondary numbers giving 13.
House Number You are living in a house whose
numerological equivalent is 14/5. Energy, vivacity,
intuition, adaptation are the aspects of your personality
that will be stimulated here. This vibration is totally
favorable only to those who know how to do things in
moderation, who have a good understanding and who are
altruistic in order to find a balance between the internal
and external. Looking at the negative aspects, the 14 can
lead you to be impulsive, to always do things in excess, to
unfruitful attempts, to have no respect for the freedom and
needs of others. There is then, a risk of problems arising
(conjugal disagreements, illness, loss, financial problems
and sometimes accidents). However, it is more common to live
positively rather than negatively with this vibration.
#16/N House Number You are living in a house whose
numerological equivalent is 16/7. This is a very delicate
vibration and rather negative. It often provokes many
problems and temptations. With such a number, it is
necessary to avoid all forms of pride, unscrupulous
ambition, excessive egoism and dishonesty. If this house
doesn't suit you, it is of course necessary to think
seriously about moving, but in the meantime endeavor to be
humble, upright and vigilant. Perhaps you have chosen this
number to develop these qualities. This is not a good
vibration for business affairs nor any professional activity
for that matter. This is not a lucky residence, it
encourages too much pride and presumptions. It is often
connected with difficulties such as losses and bankruptcy,
or just simply lots of small problems.
#17/N House
Number You are living in a house whose numerological
equivalent is 17/8. This is an excellent vibration,
especially for those who want to use or develop their
imaginative, creative or intuitive ability. For some, this
house is a source of inspiration. It brings satisfaction and
optimism to it's occupants, and thus, a sort of protection
(even when they are not in the house). We could even go so
far as to say it brings luck. If there are any problems,
they are generally minor and linked to the naïveté that
accompanies this number. The people that are not very
sensitive will live this vibration as a number 8 and it
often occurs that they prove to be domineering.
House Number You are living in a house whose
numerological equivalent is 19/1. This vibration is
advantageous for success, influence, radiance, love (if we
avoid being proud, intolerant or egoistic. It is necessary
to know how to use one's influence, to share one's
experience and to be open-minded.
#21/N House Number
You are living in a house whose numerological equivalent is
21/3. This house will give you a beautiful beginning. It is
very suitable for creative people. But the pleasure of such
rich pickings often requires time and effort. Success if
#22/N House Number You are living in a
house whose numerological equivalent is 22/4. If this
vibration is seen as a 22 and not a 4, it favors mastery of
one's own creativity (and indirectly sexuality) with a view
to realizing something concrete or the development of
organizational talent at a high level.
#23/N House
Number You are living in a house whose numerological
equivalent is 23/5. This vibration is favorable to the
success of enterprises and fame. No problems can be seen
here. It is equally advantageous for all things new.