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& The Birthday Vibration

The Birthday Vibration is rich in information. It is not the fruit of chance. This day impregnates us with it's influence, a little like the well-known astrological signs. The astrologers teach us that the Birthday Vibration number exercises it's impact mainly during the second cycle of Saturn of the individual, which means between the ages of 30 and 60 (it constitutes the productive Cycle in Numerology). This number of birth is in relation with the productive register. In a way it is your active force in the area of achievements, the resolution of problems or in social and professional relationships.


You were born on day 1. The vibration of this number bestows an impulsive energy of self-confidence, individuality and originality. Due to your solid practical sense, your willingness and natural authority, you are capable of taking the reigns of destiny in your hands. Your vitality and dynamism increase your personal capacities of action. Intellectual and proud, you have the sense of initiative but also the need to be stimulated, encouraged or flattered, to complete your projects. Lived negatively, this number will push you to consider that receiving more than you give is normal. Also excessive authoritarianism, pride and jealousy. You have the sense of innovation but you don't always finish what you start.

Famous people born on a day 1 : Yves Saint-Laurent, Jimmy Connors (tennis star), Lady Diana, Stephanie de Monaco.


You were born on a day 2. The vibration of this number brings sensitivity, tenderness, imagination, artistic taste, the desire to collaborate, the search for friendship and it invites to marriage. You have all the aptitudes to work in collaboration and to strike up contacts. You prefer to use the art of persuasion, sympathy and co-operation, rather than force. You are obliging, diplomatic, often modest, adaptable and very sensitive to the atmosphere and behavior of others. You look for calm and gentleness. You are sensitive, inspired and well-advised. You know how to be the ideal right arm. Lived negatively, this number can lead you to be too emotional and passive with mood swings. One could also criticize you for inhibitions due to unjustified beliefs or fears and a fluctuating self-confidence.

Famous people born on a day 2 : Ghandi.


You were born a 3. The vibration of this day carries the taste and the sense of communication, incites you to extroversion, makes you likeable, charming, optimistic and lucky. Your friendly and sociable temperament, your sense of conversation, your joy of living and above all your creativity, will be your great assets for success. However, a badly managed vitality could lead you to dispersion and agitation. Don't multiply your activities without consideration. Lived negatively, this number of birth can carry superficiality, fickleness, an inclination for sterile gossip and sometimes jealousy.

Famous people born on a day 3 : Tom Cruise.


Your were born a 4. The vibration of this day brings balance, solidity, stability, the taste for effort at work, but also a stubbornness due to the blinkers of this number. You are conscientious, reliable, painstaking, constructive and talented for organization. You advance regularly but with a certain slowness. Very attached to small details and organization, you can sometimes lose your essential view and make mistake in your strategy. Close to nature, rather conservative, you feel concerned by your home and family. On the affective side of things, you are generous, sincere and capable of deep feelings, but you find it difficult to express yourself well. Lived negatively, this number can push you to become rigid, narrow-minded and mean. You can lack the faculties of adaptation and sociability which will bring incomprehension to the people around you. You also risk putting too much importance on material values at the expense of your sentimental sphere.


You were born a 5. The vibration of this day gives you sociable and adaptable qualities. You are open-minded, lively and curious. Your taste for adventure and change is quite developed. You like variety, you have the desire to explore new areas, to live multiple experiences and sensations. In love with freedom, extroversion, cheerfulness, you are quick, quite talented and you know how to adapt easily to new situations. You appreciate travelling and adventures. You are also absolutely apt to work within a group, from the moment that your freedom is preserved. Your approach is quite original and relies on an intelligent analysis of the situation. You are sensitive to luxury, refinement, new technologies, to good physical sensations as well as all that is fortifying and disorientating. All these assets make you seducing, so you don't have any difficulties in the affective area. Not liking constraints or limitations, you must find a partner who shares your conception of things, and who is particularly conciliating and loyal. Lived negatively, this number of birth can lead you to different excesses such as fickleness, instability, egoism, abuse of sensory pleasures and dispersion.

Famous people born on a day 5 : Daniel Ballavoine.


You were born a 6. The vibration of this day carries balance, dynamism, the taste for the aesthetic and the arts, an attraction for the family and a great sense of harmony. Your taste for undertakings, your professional conscience and your sense of responsibilities and duty contribute largely to your success. You work easily in harmony with others. On the professional and family levels, you are particularly concerned by those close to you (and they appreciate you a lot). You like to express your ideas but in avoiding sterile verbal contests. You stand out due to your personality which gives an impression of high caliber, warmth, benevolence and sensitivity to friendship. In general, you are protected but it would be better for your personal balance or functioning to have a security on the financial and affective areas. Testimonies of consideration and love do the most for your balance. You are allergic to all forms of aggressiveness, spitefulness and alienation, which disturb your peace (nobody can exactly predict your reaction in this case). In love with perfection, sensitive to beauty, you have an artistic sensitivity which could be interesting to grow. In general, your house is well decorated and warm. Lived negatively, this number of birth can lead you to sometimes be excessively emotional, unsatisfied, or give you the desire to interfere into other people's affairs.

Famous people born on a day 6 : Sylvester Stallone.


You were born a 7. The vibration of this day brings intelligence, the taste for reflection and observation, philosophical interest, a great inner capacity and often a strong idealism. The people born a 7 are generally headstrong and prefer to go it alone, while regretting a little this isolation. They must learn to co-operate without losing their individuality. Your manner of tackling things is quite particular : intuitive and rational at the same time. In fact, your intelligence is often doubled by an intuition which allows you to analyze the exterior as well as the interior, from where a certain clear-sightedness comes. You should have excellent aptitudes in very specialized activities. Even outside your profession, you continue to be interested in "mind work". If you have a pronounced taste for perfection, you suffer from a certain slowness in advancing your affairs. This vibration make that you will be more at ease in playing the role of a magnet (which involves attracting situations) rather than trying to provoke them. Loyal, you like peace, tranquility and nature (you like it harmonious and wild). Moments of serenity are important for your balance or for devoting yourself to your favorite activity : to understand and see clearly. Your feelings are deep, spontaneous, but you don't offer them easily, this being due to a too great reserve which is almost shyness. Your natural discretion and your apparent indifference (or distance) don't make relational and sentimental tasks easy, however you are very fond of these areas. Lived negatively, this day of birth can lead you to excesses such as : narrow-mindedness, egocentricity, coldness, a lack of openness faced with others, a rebellious character or sometimes mysterious.

Famous people born on a day 7 : Jean de La Fontaine (famous for his fables).


You were born an 8. The vibration of this day confers aptitudes concerning business, concrete achievements and material or sport success. Gifted with a solid sense of management, you are efficient, responsible, full of confidence, but also deeply ambitious. The sense of power, the taste for combat and the desire to enlarge your collection of possessions are present. Efficient, courageous but also realistic, you like success, money, splendor and you are capable of giving yourself the means to succeed. You have a certain magnetic power and a lot of energy, which helps you knock down any barriers or to get up again after a failure. When you have mastered the situation, you can be generous. You know how to fix progressive goals and you rely on a solid self-confidence (to relativize according to the rest of your theme). However, learn to express yourself better in the affective area. Accept your feelings, don't try to repress them. Understand that they can be a source of elevation as well as disturbance depending on how you use them. Lived negatively, this number can bring you an excessive authoritarianism, pretentiousness, high and low.


You were born a 9. The vibration of this day brings generosity, open-mindedness and a desire for elevation beyond the closed circle of the ego. You like to give pleasure and you want your life to have greater dimensions. This day of birth is often one of caliber, talent and celebrity. It bestows varied aptitudes. All that is in relation to ideals, creation with an artistic or altruistic sensitivity can attract you. You are sensitive, compassionate, educated or at least attracted by knowledge. Your refinement can find it's expression in diverse areas like music, design, culinary art, fashion, scientific research, publicity, audio-visual, esoterism etc.. Idealistic and open-minded, you can sometimes disregard material obligations a little (to relativize according to the rest of your theme). Although motivated by good causes, you keep a certain detachment, because you prefer to be the lighthouse which contributes in it's way in helping others rather than becoming a part of the group. Lived negatively, this number can lead you to forget yourself due to your generous desires, an intrusive emotiveness, a flight from reality, depressive states.


You were born a 10. The vibration of this day gives you a strong impulsive energy of self-confidence, ambition, authority and individuality. Vitality, dynamism and clear-mindedness characterize you. You have the capacities to command, manage and initiate things. You would make a good "leader of men". Your power of achievement is intimately linked to material success, if possible in a profession where you will be your own boss. Gifted with a certain practical and creative sense, you could also be impatient and not always finish what you start. Although sensitive, you only allow little space for your emotions that you know so well how to mask. The 10 is also the number of sublimation and rebirth through effort and a renewed self-confidence. Lived negatively, this number of birth could lead you to excessive authoritarianism, self-affirmation achieved by belittling others, egoism, aggressiveness, pride, jealousy and sometimes an enlarged ego.

Famous people born on a day 10 : Rosana Arquette.


You were born an 11. This is a master number. It can be lived as 11 or one level beneath as 2. Generally the natives fluctuate between the two poles of which a description follows.

Lived as 11 : You have a particularly developed sensitivity and intuition. You intelligence is rather lively and you are characterized by your awakening and determination. If your inspiration is very developed, you will be gifted with quite particular qualities which allow you to succeed in the areas that you are passionate about. You are quite demanding in your friendships. Naturally you are idealistic and likeable, this explaining why you don't like to get too involved in the material and accounting aspects of life. Possible faults : nervousness, emotional unbalance, a tendency to scorn people who are less intelligent than yourself, a fluctuating morality.

Lived as 2 : The vibration of this number brings sensitivity, tenderness, imagination, artistic taste, the desire to collaborate, the search for friendship, and it invites to marriage. You have all the aptitudes to work in collaboration and to strike up contacts. You prefer to use the art of persuasion, sympathy and co-operation rather than force. You are obliging, diplomatic, often modest, adaptable and very sensitive to the atmosphere and behavior of others. You search for calm and gentleness. You are sensitive, inspired and well advised. You know how to be the ideal right arm. Lived negatively, this number can lead you to be too emotional and passive with mood swings. One can also criticize you for inhibitions due to unjustified beliefs or fears and a wavering self-confidence.

Famous people born on a day 11 : Richard Strauss (music composer).


You were born a 12. This day of birth brings the taste and sense of communication. It makes you expressive, likeable, charming, optimistic, sociable and lucky. Intelligent and brilliant, your imagination is fertile and creative, and you have an original approach to things. You have a natural enthusiasm and joy for living. You explore all the routes of communication and your social sense pushes you to multiply your links with others (which sometimes means additional responsibilities and a few narrow situations). Endowed with a great vitality and often impatient, you need activity as well as varied and creative interests. Sentimentally, you are rather conservative, faithful and loyal. You are tender, sensitive and in love with an ideal. Lived negatively, this number can lead you to get involved in too many activities, to lack stability and consistence, and become too extroverted or critical.

Famous people born on a day 12 : Grace Kelly (princess of Monaco).


You were born a 13. The vibration of this day brings balance, solidity, stability, the taste for effort at work, but also a certain stubbornness due to the blinkers of this number. You have a strong vitality and an ambition which paradoxically, unites creative or innovative conceptions with the latent need for traditionalism, stability and security. This ambiguous situation can sometimes mean that you find it difficult to accept all that limits or checks your desire to advance. So you live a period of inner crisis and you could be tempted to make a clean sweep and start everything again. Your aptitude for organization and performing tasks is sure. You are serious, sincere, responsible, persevering and determined. We can count on you. You are very attached to your home and it's inner frame. Decoration and interior work could become your profession, or at least your passion. Your strict and demanding character (with yourself as well as others) is susceptible to make you misunderstood and not liked very much. Lived negatively, this number can lead to different things : crises of authority, narrow-mindedness, parsimony, miserliness, frustration when faced with limitations and obstacles, driving you in a sort of infernal circle with alternative periods of letting go and then effort to make up for lost time.

Famous people born on a day 13 : Margaret Thatcher, Fidel Castro.


You were born a 14. This is the number of the search for freedom, independence and new experiences or sensations. The vibration of this day bestows a natural extroversion, adaptability, sociability and charm on you. In love with freedom, you like change, disorientation, adventure and all that moves and evolves. This number is the one of magnetism and seduction, and the impression of flightiness and vivacity that you emit contributes to your charm. Your character is quite difficult to know : you are rather eclectic, your temperament is quite individualistic sometimes spectacular (risks don't frighten you and you have a certain luck) but you also have a serious side to your character (methodical and realistic). Fluctuating between the objective and subjective world, you have intuitive capacities and sometimes those of a medium. In fact, you are very creative, but you need a free and dynamic lifestyle to bloom. This could attract the wrath of society to you or that of those around you according to their tolerance level and understanding. Be careful that the resulting pressure doesn't push you to unconsciously smother your desire for innovation and freedom, due to a concern to be "normal". Preserve your free will ! For you, sentimental life isn't always absolutely reliable and it is in your interest to gain stability and maturity before you get involved. Lived negatively, this vibration of birth can lead you to excesses such as dispersion, the taste for provocation and risk, impatience, scattering, the abuse of sensory pleasures and the rejection of constraints.

Famous people born on a day 14 : Nina Ricci, Claude Monet, Albert Einstein, Roger Moore.


You were born a 15. The vibration of this day brings balance, dynamism, the taste for aestheticism, an attraction for the family and the home. Your sense of harmony, your sociability and your taste for responsibilities, allow you to live and work with others without difficulty. You are helpful, understanding and demonstrative. You attract sympathy and respect. In general, you make a good partner and mother or father. You are quite a perfectionist, elitist and particularly sensitive to the aesthetic. Your home is welcoming and well decorated. This concern for beauty and love for beautiful forms will make you a magnetic person, but also susceptible to fall in love with anyone matching up to your aesthetic criterion. However, you have a double character and apart from your benevolent side looking for balance in everything, have a very prominent sense of independence and a strange ability to manipulate or influence others. Lived negatively, this number of birth can lead you to succumb to diverse temptations (easy pleasures) or fiddles, to practice the abuse of power in interfering in other peoples affairs.

Famous people born on a day 15 : Leonard de Vinci, David Hamilton.


You were born a 16. The vibration of this day gives you aptitudes for intellectual or very specialized activities (scientific, technical, artistic or sportive). Rational, logical and rather introspective, you are independent and a perfectionist. You are fundamentally sensitive, although you are careful not to show it. This can bring about certain misunderstandings in your sentimental and friendship relationships. Your autonomy, your reserve and your apparent indifference can be interpreted by others as signs of coldness. To function well, you need to regularly arrange periods of tranquility far away from the agitation of the world. These interludes help you to take good decisions. In general, events will have a tendency to come to you without having to provoke them, because you know how to attract them. Optimistic and relatively patient, you can however, experience irritability, a feeling of rebellion, inflexibility or a strong withdrawal into yourself, if faced with opposition. In the sentimental area, the native 16's often have problems to maintain their relationship in harmony. Lived negatively, this number of birth can carry pride, inhibition, the feeling of persecution, belief or fear of failure and an attraction for diverting or hidden routes due to a lack of self-confidence.

Famous people born on a day 16 : Madonna, Mel Gibson, John Mac Enroe.


You were born a 17. This vibration of birth gives you aptitudes to command, to manage the interests of a group and all to do with business. The sense of power, the taste for combat and the desire to grow, are all in you. Efficient, ambitious and energetic, you know how to set progressive goals and reach them. Your idealist side and your creativity which is often well inspired, give you confidence in yourself. This means big projects hardly have an impression on you. Your judgment is linked to your capacities of analysis but also to your intuition which allow you to be at ease when taking energetic decisions (in positions of high responsibility for example). Material satisfactions and social position don't leave you indifferent. You could pass through phases of extravagance, generosity followed by financial rigour. You are charming, warm, optimistic and quite sensitive. Your courage and your enterprising mind push you to take on all sorts of challenges. Despite a slight naivety, one could say that you were blessed by the gods, because you often benefit from a certain perfection. Lived negatively, this number of birth could lead you to egocentricity, coldness, unscrupulousness, pettiness and all types of power abuse.


You were born an 18. The vibration of this day gives you the sense of generosity as well as a great open-mindedness, both qualities which make you attractive. You are motivated by experiences which touch your emotions and give you a feeling of elevation surpassing the little circle of yourself. You are sensitive and compassionate. You like to give pleasure and you want a greater dimension to your life. Active, creative and gifted with imagination, you are attracted by the arts in a wide sense and also all that features in culture, knowledge, the foreign, novelty and the future. Your refinement can find it's expression in diverse areas such as music, design, culinary art, fashion, tact, scientific research, publicity, audio-visual, esoterism etc.. You are quite idealistic and you can experience the feeling of having a mission to accomplish or become the model for others. You can also be characterized by your good disposition for organization, managing, contact with the public, commanding or willpower. With the 18, success, inspiration and talent are often evident. But the reward will be obtained more easily when you combine an open-mind and noble ideals to your practical sense. Be careful, the 18 is also the number of illusions, particularly for those who, on the strength of their material success or social position, could be lead to scorn others or not to respect them or to not really understand the real reasons for their success.

Famous people born on a day 18 : Yannick Noah, Robert Redford, Kevin Costner, Steven Spielberg, Sandra.


You were born a 19. The vibration of this day carries a strong energy of self-confidence, ambition and a great need for independence. You are motivated by success, originality and self-affirmation. Your aptitude for commandment is certain and you have the privilege to be able to know success in different areas. However, there will be some obstacles to clear and psychological blocks to overcome before acquiring perfect autonomy. The 19 is in effect, synonymous with rebirth and radiance. Ambitious and willing, you often have an original approach to things. Your interest can alternate between strong personal preoccupation's and an unselfish openness with others, under the form of generosity, understanding, love or an altruistic vocation. You are very sensitive, you have a certain susceptibility and a tendency to hide your feelings as well as your emotions. Despite everything, this number remains lucky with sentimental relationships and marriage. Lived well, it gives the possibility of a great reciprocal love. The possible failings with this number of birth are : a lack of poise or serenity, a self-affirmation a little too narcissist, authoritarian or proud. Don't be afraid of competition and don't compare yourself constantly with others.

Famous people born on a day 19 : Coco Chanel.


You were born a 20. The vibration of this number brings sensitivity, tenderness, imagination, artistic taste, the desire to collaborate, courteousness, the sense of friendship and an invitation to marriage. Sociable, diplomatic and malleable, you are a very good assistant, the one who will see things through, covering every detail. In a way you are the ideal right arm. All these aptitudes allow you to work and collaborate efficiently with others, in this way contributing to your own success (in compensation for your efforts). If you opt for individual activities, you can be characterized by a certain modesty, that one can interpret as reserve or a form of respect for others. You are sensitive, intuitive and gifted with imagination, but you could put these qualities into practice more. If you have other number 2 or 6 vibrations, your receptivity could be double edged because you become too malleable and listen to others too much to the point of forgetting yourself. Lived negatively, this number can lead to hyper-sensitivity, a lack of energy, tenacity and hesitations. You could have the tendency to become depressed too easily.


You were born a 21. The vibration of this day brings the taste for communication and incites extroversion. You are likeable, charming, sociable, optimistic and quite lucky. You have the aptitudes for expression (oral, written, artistic) and a great creativity. Your ambition is strong ; you constantly want to elevate yourself. If you make the most of your assets, it can lead you to success. Your personal magnetism is quite important ; people notice you. Your conception of the world is relatively individualistic (but you don't reject co-operation, on the contrary), full of optimism, conviviality. A certain carefree attitude is also present. You are very sensitive and often have problems of choice ; you waver, you hesitate and that can make you live phases of inner crisis. Lived negatively, this number can lead you to dispersion, self-satisfaction and superficiality.

Famous people born on a day 21 : Ernest Hemingway, Jane Fonda, Ayrton Senna.


You were born a 22. It is rare to live this master number in vibration 22 because it is very strong. Usually one wavers between the two poles 22 and 4 of which a description follows.

Pole 4 : The vibration of this day brings balance, solidity, stability, the taste for effort at work, but also a stubbornness due to the blinkers of this number. You are conscientious, reliable, painstaking, constructive and talented for organization. You advance regularly but with a certain slowness. Very attached to small details and organization, you can sometimes lose your essential view and make mistake in your strategy. Close to nature, rather conservative, you feel concerned by your home and family. On the affective side of things, you are generous, sincere and capable of deep feelings, but you find it difficult to express yourself well. Lived negatively, this number can push you to become rigid, narrow-minded and mean. You can lack the faculties of adaptation and sociability which will bring incomprehension to the people around you. You also risk putting too much importance on material values at the expense of your sentimental sphere.

Pole 22 : Motivated by the resolution of practical problems bringing something positive to humanity, gifted for organization on a grand scale, endowed with a superior intelligence and great lucidity, you have the capacities to manage a group, construct big projects or make a major discovery. You can be inspired, creative and very idealistic if your inner strength is really exploited and you know how to keep your balance. In this case is the creative talent and charisma. The possible failings of this number are a tendency to be narrow-minded, withdrawn, anxious, uneasy, to live in an utopian world, to be a megalomaniac or to be in love with possessions. To live a number 22 vibration demands a great mastery, a good physical and psychological balance and above all an altruistic vocation. In practice, this necessitates efficient collaborators and financial support.

Famous people born on a day 22 : Robert Baden-Powell, Boris Becker, Frédéric Chopin, Franz Listz.


You were born a 23. This number bestows a remarkable adaptability, professionally as well as socially. In love with freedom, you appreciate change, variety, new experiences or sensations. Your enthusiasm, your talents for expression and your sociability give you undeniable qualities for human contact. You succeed to give yourself worth but you are also able to listen others and show compassion. Sensitive, curious and eclectic, you have a creative temperament where imagination and intuition occupy a good place. Gifted with a quick mind, you like to work quickly but rather on a project that passionate you. Routine suffocates you. You prefer to work by raising challenges. This is due to your vitality and your taste for all that moves and evolves. On the sentimental side, although affectionate and magnetic, you have the tendency to be impatient, to function according to your impulses which doesn't suit everybody (your stability only comes later). Overall, one can say that you were born under a good star because you often benefit from support, protection and recognition. Lived negatively, this number of birth can lead you diverse failings such as instability, scattering and running away from reality.

Famous people born on a day 24 : Romy Schneider (actress).


You were born a 24. The vibration of this day brings a sense of balance, a certain dynamism, the taste for responsibilities and duty as well as the aptitude to make peace and harmony reign. You are quite energetic, active, conscientious, generous and friendly. People appreciate you a lot. Very sensitive to your family environment, your relationships and professional life, you can't bear disagreements, pressure and other underhand practices. Gifted with a strong imagination, you have a practical sense and a creative talent. Your aesthetic and artistic sense is quite pronounced as well as your attraction for the family and home. On the sentimental side, you know innately how to lavish the love and attention necessary for a good relationship. However, your happiness in this area comes quite late on. Feminine aid can positively contribute changing your life. Lived negatively, this number can lead you to an intrusive hypersensitivity and a tendency to amplify emotions and problems.

Famous people born on a day 24 : Alain Prost.


You were born a 25. The vibration of this day carries intelligence, a taste for reflection, philosophy or observation, an inner capacity and an attraction for ideals, perfection. This allows you to succeed in specialized activities. Friendly, sensitive and intuitive, you have (when you don't give too much time to your inner world) a magnetism which can be very useful. You are a precious friend, pleasant and diplomatic even if you sometimes find it difficult to express your feelings due to a certain modesty. Very imaginative, a little dreamy, quite relaxed, you can sometimes become suddenly worried and hesitant when you lack favorable support. This latent indecision could lead you to difficulties in the sentimental area or in finding your path at the start of life. In the case of the latter, you will have to work hard to find confidence, to advance and succeed professionally. On the affective side, it is essential for your balance that you find a partner who shares your interests (especially intellectual and spiritual) in order to have a rich relationship. Although you belong to the reflective category of people, you also appreciate movement, action, new things and adventure, to which you generally adapt quite well. Lived negatively, this number of birth can lead you to different excesses such as a tendency to have a low opinion of yourself, to withdraw, to be melancholy or pessimistic.

Famous people born on a day 25 : Claudia Schiffer, Michael Douglas, Sean Connery.


You were born a 26. The vibration of this day confers a need for power and prosperity but also security. Although ambitious and capable of combativity, you prefer to use diplomacy and persuasion rather than force to obtain what you want. This vibration allows you to acquire a good social position as well as the power for negotiation, transactions and the capacity to strike up contacts. Well organized, conscientious and confident, you like to take responsibility. Very motivated by prestige and prosperity, your success is probable and often comes about through profitable associations. Generous with your friends and family, you are attracted by the arts and beauty, and you believe that traditional values are very important. In general, you are pleasant and optimistic from the moment that your affective environment is stable and harmonious. Lived negatively, this number can lead you to pretentiousness, complacency and the frantic search for power at the expense of other human values.

Famous people born on a day 26 : François Mitterrand, Bernard Tapie.


You were born a 27. The vibration of this day carries generosity as well as an open mind. It is the number of intelligence used in helping others, of the desire for elevation outside the intellect. You like to give pleasure and you want your life to have a greater dimension. Artistic creation, fashion and all that is in relation with the foreign or the strange attracts you. You have a passionate temperament, susceptible to drive you towards the areas of knowledge and culture. You are ready to spend a lot of energy and inspiration to achieve the big projects which motivate you and in this way, to find notoriety. Open, human, generous and tolerant, you are receptive to the needs and feelings of others. Thereby it makes you appealing. Your philosophy pushes you towards non-violence. Often a good adviser, your major characteristic is knowing how to combine the qualities of analysis with sensitivity, diplomacy and intuition. You like your personal value to be recognized and you can be very sensitive to proof of affection. To be balanced, you need regular periods of calm and rest, where you can reflect, study or daydream. The imagination and feeling hold an important place in your life. Your search for perfection could lead you to live a certain number of idealistic or utopian experiences before finding your path.

Famous people born on a day 27 : Isabelle Adjani, Gérard Dépardieu, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


You were born a 28. The vibration of this day gives a strong energy of self-confidence, ambition and a certain individuality. Your temperament, aptitude for organization and mastery, allow you to succeed independently and creatively as well as in collaboration with others. You know how to make the most of your ambition, combativity and perseverance, but also use intelligently your sense of diplomacy and persuasion to obtain whatever you desire. Your potential of success is generally within the realm of concrete achievements, business, organization or innovations. You prefer to initiate projects rather than ending them. High caliber undertakings attract you more than limited achievements, because of your need for grandeur and radiance. The areas of sentiments, sensitivity and imagination occupy, despite appearances, an important place in your life. The only condition is that you must have the feeling of being in control of the situation. Lived negatively, this number can lead to an excessive authoritarianism, egoism, stubbornness.


You were born a 29, which splits itself into 11 and 2. The vibration of this day brings the capacity to live and work in collaboration with others. Your sensitivity oriented towards conciliation or co-operation makes you an ideal mediator. In going to the aid of others, you have a little tendency to forget your own interests and even your well-being. Very intuitive, inspired and sometimes a little dreamy, the native 29 can play a model role, in particular in the intellectual, artistic or spiritual areas. Your successes are due to your original initiatives and important supports. You are generally more comfortable in the world of ideals and creations rather than in material affairs. Your imagination and sensitivity can contribute to your success but also hinder it if you become too emotional or impressionable. A lack of balance in these areas will strongly affect your moral.


You were born a 30. The vibration of this day carries the taste and the sense of communication and incites extroversion, contacts. You could succeed in with an artistic or creative path. You will certainly have ability in the art of persuasion. You are likeable, charming, often seductive, always sociable, optimistic and lucky. With the 30 you have the number 3 vibration, but an octave higher, which bestows a potential charisma on you, as well as more energy and instinct (intuition). All these qualities are favorable for success in all areas closely linked to communication, expression and creation. In general, your undertakings are fruitful and stable. Your sentimental life is generally lucky and doesn't suffer from major obstacles except, maybe the difficulty to make a choice. Once committed, you generally stay loyal. Your inner affective life is strong. Badly used, this potential of birth can lead you along routes of fickleness, superficiality, useless agitation and even a mediocre or poor use of your talents.

Famous people born on a day 30 : Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, Phil Collins, Arnold Schwarzenegger.


You were born a 31. The vibration of this day carries balance, solidity, stability, the taste for effort, an aptitude for work and organization. Your success is very probable. You could often benefit from favorable circumstances and inspiration, but you don't only count on luck. You also know how to find the means to achieve success thanks to your conscientious, persevering and energetic character as well as your expressive talents and your sociability, which strike up relationships. Even if your balance appreciates stability, you also need to blossom and cultivate a certain fantasy. That is why you are attracted by diversity, creativity, humor, comical things, and you like to throw yourself into great challenges. It must be said that you don't react very well to solitude, that is why you look for company and friendship. You like to please, in carrying this secure impression of tranquil strength. Lived negatively, this number of birth can lead to a lack of tolerance, a rigid mind or depression.

Famous people born on a day 31 : Clint Eastwood, Richard Gere.