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& Life Path

Life Path is the reduction of the full date of birth.

The numerological reduction is made only when the sum is obtained in order to have the right secondary number.

Birth on December 14th 1982
12 + 14 + 1982 = 2008 = 10 = 1

The wrong calculation would be :
1 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 = 28 = 10 = 1
The right secondary number is 10 (not 28).

Your Life Path which is the reduced sum of your date of birth, gives an important indication on the type of events that you will be regularly confronted with, throughout your life. It isn't possible to skip school, the events always catch up with you, that's why in general one naturally adopts a style compatible with one's Life Path rather than going against the current. Numerology allows you to understand the nature of your route and the events likely to stimulate you. This will allow you the power to adopt the attitude that permits you to sail serenely on the sea of your life without capsizing or getting shaken about. As the old proverb says, "a well informed man is worth two".

Note : The Life Path does not necessarily indicate the way in which you react when faced with the different situations in your life. In effect, your reaction is mostly based on your assets that are your Intimate number, Expression number and Desire number. The style that one can detect across the Life Path (and possibly your Destiny Number) defines rather your overall behavior on the route that waits for you than your daily attitude (the character defined by your full name).

Understanding your Life Path


You have a Life Path Number 1.
The route of conquerors, individuals and eccentrics.

It corresponds to the itinerary of those who are made for action and whose most important accomplishments are individual and original. In your life, it will be necessary for you to have courage, confidence in yourself, authority, a mind for independence or undertakings and a lot of determination. You will regularly be confronted with situations or obstacles that give you the opportunity to use and master this type of power ; the aim being to learn to reach success counting essentially on yourself. It is a destiny generally quite lucky. It incites worthiness, merit, conquering, innovating but also the acceptance of the consequences of your own decisions. With this Life Path you generally advance quickly and it is better no to try to force things too often because you may lose your pace or rhythm. A life rich in new developments during which you will be brought to develop self-assertion, a certain boldness and sometimes pride or a rebellious spirit. Perhaps it will help you to motivate others and draw them into your ways. You must take your destiny in hand, open the track and persevere !

Famous people with a Life Path 1 : Yves Saint-Laurent, Alain Prost, Sean Connery, Tom Cruise, Walt Disney, Charlie Chaplin, Henri Ford, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Napoleon Bonaparte.


You have a Life Path Number 2.
The route of companions, diplomats, right arm men or women.

The program of life that you have chosen by your birth favors everything to do with co-operation, communication, associations, friendships or marriage. It can be a harmonious life with tenderness but also with hesitation and duality. There are cross-roads all along this route and you will have to prove that you know how to live or work within a group (even limited to two), that you are able to co-operate and watch for the small details. This could be a paradoxical path. It is possible that you only benefit indirectly from successes to which you have contributed and you will often have to see the difference between appearance and reality. So intuition will be necessary ! On your journey, human contacts will play a primordial role (conciliation, advice or partner research). The need for a secure marriage will be strong. The Life Path 2 symbolizes a certain passivity when faced with events, a tendency to suffer them rather than to generate or master them. The advantage is that you will have the possibility to let the events or a valuable partner drive you along peacefully without too many problems. But prudence, not weakness ! Other outstanding events that you will be confronted with will touch your inner world (sensitivity, imagination, happiness, helpfulness, timidity, emotions, susceptibility). The lesson to be learnt from this itinerary is to actively collaborate (keeping in mind the excellent idea of "everybody winning"), without becoming too submissive, inert, indecisive or excessively emotional.

Famous people with a Life Path 2 : King Baudoin the first, Charles Prince of Wales, Claude Monet (one of the Impressionist).


You have a Life Path Number 3.
The route of creative, happy and rather extrovert persons.

By your date of birth, you have chosen to know the route of the experience of the joy to live, the blooming of your faculties of expression and personal creativity. The most outstanding events for you will concern creations, art, verbal or written communication, sales, the media, the people you meet, friendships, beauty, leisure activities, sport and generally the social and love life. On this number 3 path, the human being has been called to express [his,her] freshness, creativity, interior riches, capacity to communicate, but if possible without diverting from authenticity or overstepping the mark. It is highly advisable not to take too seriously the hypocritical games or roles linked to social events. Keep your good sense, your naturalness. A destiny generally under the sign of luck, intelligence, contacts and sometimes talent. This itinerary offers you the opportunity to succeed quickly and even brilliantly if you avoid spreading yourself too thinly and giving in to the easy route. Above all, it is essential not to imagine that your life is a comfortable organized voyage, requiring no special effort on your part. You could well be confronted with difficulties testing your spontaneity, your creativity and your capacity to express yourself or to create a good mood. If you win this battle, your life will be original, illuminating and agreeable.

Famous people with a Life Path 3 : Yannick Noah, Victor Hugo, Richard Anderson (Mac Gyver the actor), John Wayne, Madonna, David Bowie, Enrico Caruso and Maria Callas (the most famous opera singer), Alfred Hitchcock (his inclination for thriller in his creativity came from his Day of Birth vibration, 13).


You have a Life Path number 4.
The route of reliable and persistent working people.

You have come to this life to experiment with the concepts of security, stability and success through work and merit. You will be brought to prove discipline, method and regularity all the way along this route. A life of construction and seriousness as well as that which concerns your dwelling, your profession and yourself. You will be regularly confronted with situations calling on stability and solid aptitudes which push you to develop these powers. A relatively slow progression where only perseverance and merit will be rewarded. It is probable that your life will be regular, sometimes a bit routine or dull. An existence marked with projects to make real and stable. The lesson of this life program is to learn to carry out your work with regularity and to assume responsibility but without closing yourself to the rest of the world. In a word, to become a solid value. However, it will be more necessary to count on your force of personal achievement than on a possible easy success, by some donation or other.

Famous people with a Life Path 4 : Arnold Schwarzenegger, Clint Eastwood.


You have a Life Path 5.
The route of adventurers, the bold and versatile.

You have come to this life to find adventure at all levels, see changes, travel and to experience all that life offers. A dynamic path but not always easy. It is the destiny of those who will have to defend their personal freedom, thanks to their quickness and talent. The individual on this path must learn how to free [himself,herself], to work without constraints, to become detached from the past and the future in order to grow in the present. All along this fortifying route you will have to prove that you know how to be versatile. A lot of opportunities to learn to adapt and to become enriched from different experiences. Curiosity and vivacity of mind will be welcome. Organized and routine structures won't suit you. You will be more at ease with new activities where all continually evolves (computer science, publicity, communication, sales, languages, travelling, leisure's and sports). In order not to veer off the good course of this path 5, you must be capable of distinguishing between the useful and unuseful. It will be necessary to cultivate a certain moderation, above all in physical areas (sensory or sexual over-indulgence, desire to live 110%) ; this is to reduce the probability of excess linked to your boldness. You are on a passionate path that leaves little time for idleness and boredom. It can lead to good fortune and success but also failure depending on how one uses it. The lesson of this path consists in accepting changes in a positive manner, to use them to enrich yourself but without leaving them to pull you down certain dangerous slopes (such as taking unconsidered risks, superficiality, being led astray, not much respect for others freedom).

At the extreme this vibration can push ventures and experiences to the excess. Either you search constantly your good fortune somewhere else, or you go too far in giving in to temptation or searching for wild pleasures (5 senses). And so you may finish by making a booby-trap for yourself due to your temperamental behavior. Don't lose your free-will. The idea is to keep a certain clear-headedness in order to put an end to all experiences that begin to imprison you rather than enriching you. It is important for your balance and your evolution.

Famous people with a Life Path 5 : Onassis, Pierre Cardin, Claudia Schiffer.


You have a Life Path 6.
The route of responsibilities, conciliation, helpfulness and often of the aesthetics.

Prepare yourself for a vast program of responsibilities in all areas. A strong destiny for your free-will with a lot of choices to make, if possible in a positive and ambitious way rather than with hesitation or discord. A destiny which can correspond to a rapid ascension towards an important position (with numerous responsibilities) in the social, financial, political or media areas. More commonly a principal family role. The master of the house (host, hostess) who harmonizes, decides and reconciles. A flexible path of interpersonal harmonization where it will be necessary to chose well your principal orientations of life and relational environment. The others important points of reference for this path will be the taste for beautiful things, love and a sense of helpfulness. You will live situations where marriage, the family and listening will play a big role. You will be brought to judge, to balance and to help. The number 6 path can also symbolize responsibilities seen as burdens or trials, an excessive perfectionism, a tendency to interfere in other peoples affairs. The lesson being to assume responsibility but not to overload yourself with them. Don't be too demanding with others, prove that you are harmonious enough to live a positive number 6 path.

Famous people with a Life Path 6 : Albert Einstein, Agatha Christie, Laura Ashley, Nina Ricci, Albert Schweitzer (famous doctor in Africa), Charles De Gaulle, Björn Borg.


You have a Life Path 7.
The route of thinkers and independent people.

It corresponds to an internally rich life, nearly solitary. This path will be the place to work with the mind and to have a certain taste for perfection. On this path, whatever your profession or education level, you will be pushed to reach a better understanding of yourself (introspection, ability to change your mind or call things into question, sometimes black thoughts) and the world around you. The outstanding events of this path will have more echo in your inner life (or will happen mostly in your own mind). Your itinerary will be symbolized by the taste for independence and sometimes solitude despite appearances ! It is often characterized by an original destiny with relatively easy success (things come to you) and a little bit disinterested with down-to-earth aspects. Friendships will have a great source of satisfaction, but marriage is not always easy especially if you are introverted.

You will regularly be confronted by events that will push you to question yourself, to look at your values. The duality and appearances will mark the situations of your life justly for you to develop your power of judgment and your perspicacity. You will be pushed to penetrate the heart of events to understand them better and master them little by little. These can be positive events (great success, luck) or negative (loss of a dear friend, a series of love breakdowns, injustices, the collapse of an ideal). These situations will sometimes be arduous, there will be periods of doubt and hope which incite you to turn inwards or sometimes to rebel against society. But don't cut yourself off from the outside world. On the contrary, use your intelligence and your knowledge to succeed in the outside world. Cultivate balance. Level-headedness, the interest for those around you, a certain form of detachment and interior calm will be useful on this path.

Famous people with a Life Path 7 : Marilyn Monroe, Lady Diana, Roger Moore, Gerard Depardieu, Paul Newman, John F. Kennedy, Herbert Von Karajan, Marcel Proust (famous French writer).


You have a Life Path 8.
The route for the bold and materialists.

You have come to this life to deal with the notions of power, social recognition, material and financial achievement. The Life Path 8 does not say whether you will have or have not got power. It simply indicates that these notions will mark your life a lot, actively or reactively. You will be confronted by authority, financial gains, important material accomplishments, brilliant successes but probably also losses, bad failures and even accidents. In short, all that have a certain caliber in good as in bad. It is, therefore, a powerful but unstable path. You will have quite a few things to master in your life. Back away if necessary, but don't give up ! Welcome qualities : a lot of attention, a particular sense of balance, good judgment and vigor. It is often by this path that great successes happen (but also financial failures). Your life is placed under this vibration, it is necessary for you to understand and make the most of it, to develop your fighting spirit and your mastery. Your personal balance and your capacity to stay centered (to occupy the field) without going to extremes, will be your major assets. Please note that you can use this potential power fully or choose not to. In this case, you risk being regularly confronted by situations where you have to face attempt of reduction or dispossession of your power.

Learn to use the creative energy of this path to drive things forward, to take initiatives and succeed. Work with ambition, become an example of material success, learn to handle power, authority and money (as useful tool). You must find a balance quickly between the material and the spiritual so that the power or money does not blind you or make you disrespectful to the essential values of life. Always remember that you gather what you have sown. Don't be miserly, rigid or narrow-minded. Be ready to take up challenges, to overcome obstacles and to pick yourself up after defeats. Above all don't give up ! Efficiency, organization, self-confidence, generosity and also fluidity and sense of rhythm are the qualities that you must develop. It is a risky path, that let's nothing pass, especially if you are too sure of yourself or you want to climb too quickly. It is for you to choose to which degree you will use this strong vibration.

Famous people with a Life Path 8 : Carl Benz (Mercedes Benz), Ferdinand De Lesseps (channel of Suez), Winston Churchill, Jane Fonda, François Mitterrand.


You have a Life Path 9.
The route of idealists.

You have chosen to know the experience of the ideal, the noble causes, of the sensitivity and the great horizons. It is a path which favors travels, external and internal. This route will offer you a lot of experiences, instructive meetings and the possibility to cultivate your talent but also a particular sensitivity often turn towards altruism. The figure 9 symbolizes the end of a cycle and the beginning of the following one that will be lived with a higher level of consciousness. If you are able to free yourself from the hold of material contingencies of your life, you can establish these ideas and realize your vocation. This path can drive you towards greater horizons, familiarize you with more vast perspectives across culture, ecology, research, teaching, travelling, meeting people, altruism, humanism, sometimes with a large public. It is also an itinerary of emotions, internal travels, knowledge, unselfish action, avant-garde ideas which will imply your sensitivity, subtlety and open-mindedness. You will have to face some passionate events with profound repercussions (for you). Overall, a path of success and protection, favorable to travellers and altruistic, tolerant people as well as all those who will have known how to turn their sensitivity into a talent. But be careful not to get lost in impulses or passions that overtake you. It will be important to develop a certain prudence. In some cases take a back seat so as not to be dragged along toward ambiguous objective or into a tendency for illusions and sadness. Keep your spirits high, while holding on firmly to the helm of your life. Learn to open yourself to the world but without forgetting, neglecting yourself or you will risk disappointments and even losses. This until you understand that it is a matter of a bad approach on your part because your base support must be found within yourself and not outside.

Famous people with a Life Path 9 : Charles Lindberg (first Atlantic crossing by plane), Baden Powell, M. Gandhi, La Fayette, Edmund Hillary (first on Mt. Everest), Jean-jacques Rousseau (famous social writer), Elvis Presley, Brigitte Bardot.


You have a Life Path 11.
The route of intuitive people, visionaries and self-taught persons.

It symbolizes a life of inspiration and/or mastery. This itinerary favors success, ambitious and original accomplishments. It can put you on a social, cultural, political or religious route, or into the role of a leader. More modestly, this path can be link with the ability to teach, an attraction for communication or persuasion. You will be confronted by events that will encourage listening, psychology, intuition and some of your inner richness. However, it is necessary not to search for material success by egoism or pride ; this would only bring difficulties. The number 11 vibration is synonymous with inspiration, panache, knowledge, intelligence but also psychological ascendancy and creativity. These are the qualities that must motivate you. If you are capable of altruism and good sense, this path can only be positive.

It will be necessary for you to develop well your ability for inspiration, inner listening (but without making hasty conclusions) and to cultivate a strong personality, capable of patience as well as rapid decision making. This balance will be indispensable for you and faced with others in order not to fall into the classical excess of this path : superiority complex, desire to dominate, intolerance, incoherence and disinterest in domestic obligations. Use the great energy of this vibration to advance in the right direction, to take on big responsibilities, to share your thoughts, knowledge and intuitions with others. Magnetism and sense of contact will be your assets on this route.

Famous people with a Life Path 11 : Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Coco Chanel, Benito Mussolini (here lived on the negative way).

If a Life Path 11 is too strong for you, you will live it in level 2 :
The route for the companion, the diplomat, the right arm men or women.

The fundamental difference with the Life Path 11 is situated in the capacity to run your life, take important decisions and to put your inspirations and intuitions into practice. There will be more passivity with the number 2 vibration.

The program of life that you have chosen by your birth favors everything to do with co-operation, communication, associations, friendships or marriage. It can be a harmonious life with tenderness but also with hesitation and duality. There are cross-roads all along this route and you will have to prove that you know how to live or work within a group (even limited to two), that you are able to co-operate and watch for the small details. This could be a paradoxical path. It is possible that you only benefit indirectly from successes to which you have contributed and you will often have to see the difference between appearance and reality. So intuition will be necessary ! On your journey, human contacts will play a primordial role (conciliation, advice or partner research). The need for a secure marriage will be strong. The Life Path 2 symbolizes a certain passivity when faced with events, a tendency to suffer them rather than to generate or master them. The advantage is that you will have the possibility to let the events or a valuable partner drive you along peacefully without too many problems. But prudence, not weakness ! Other outstanding events that you will be confronted with will touch your inner world (sensitivity, imagination, happiness, helpfulness, timidity, emotions, susceptibility). The lesson to be learnt from this itinerary is to actively collaborate (keeping in mind the excellent idea of "everybody winning"), without becoming too submissive, inert, indecisive or excessively emotional.

Famous people with a Life Path 2 : King Baudoin the first, Charles Prince of Wales, Claude Monet (one of the Impressionist).


You have a Life Path 22.
A route for great builders, organizers and creators.

You have chosen a life out of the ordinary. It is a path which favors concrete projects of caliber, the creations of genius, posts with very high responsibilities that interest a great number of people, even the world. An itinerary destined for those who are not afraid to see big and where in general there is only little time for a private life because of the overflowing activity that accompanies these ambitious achievements (in architecture, civil engineering, discoveries, constructions, creations, the arts, great writings, politics, international affairs). This Life Path symbolizes a great intelligence or creativity, the taste for challenges, a remarkable intuition and imagination with the ability to realize your aspirations. To live this exceptional path well, it will be necessary for you to refine these qualities and use them to build, construct and create if possible in seeing to the well-being of the community. With such a path you risk being a bit in advance of your time. It will be necessary for you to radiate and manage your talents in the optimal way to avoid certain traps like getting carried away with dreams of power, leaving yourself to be allured by the taste for power to the point that you lose all sense of reality. You could be called to handle a lot of money, to take decisions having a big impact ; this is why the qualities of wisdom, personal mastery, sincerity, flexibility and altruism will be welcome if you want to live harmoniously. You will certainly have need of a companion who can show intelligence, creativity of mind, imagination and in all cases availability and flexibility because it is probable that you will hate limited situations on the personal level as much as on the professional.

Famous people with a Life Path 22 : Leonard De Vinci, Margaret Thatcher, Paul Bocuse (the worldwide famous "chef français de haute cuisine"), Paul Mc Cartney.

It is however rare to live completely in such a vibration, that is why for the most part this path is lived on level 4 :
The route of the reliable and persistent working people.

You have come to this life to experiment with the concepts of security, stability and success through work and merit. You will be brought to prove discipline, method and regularity all the way along this route. A life of construction and seriousness as well as that which concerns your dwelling, your profession and yourself. You will be regularly confronted with situations calling on stability and solid aptitudes which push you to develop these powers. A relatively slow progression where only perseverance and merit will be rewarded. It is probable that your life will be regular, sometimes a bit routine or dull. An existence marked with projects to make real and stable. The lesson of this life program is to learn to carry out your work with regularity and to assume responsibility but without closing yourself to the rest of the world. In a word, to become a solid value. However, it will be more necessary to count on your force of personal achievement than on a possible easy success, by some donation or other.

Famous people with a Life Path 4 : Arnold Schwarzenegger, Clint Eastwood.